How to ask a question to Elium Answer
This example demonstrates how use Answer to get instant answers from your knowledge base with the help of AI. Note that Answer needs to be included in your plan and enabled on the platform for this to work.
graphqlquery AnswerExample {me {answer {answer(query: "What is a space in Elium ? ") {textsources {... on AnswerAssetSource {asset {slug__typename... on FileAsset {filename}}}... on Story {slugversion {title}}}}}}}
Expected result:
response{"data": {"me": {"answer": {"answer": {"text": "<p>A <strong>space</strong> in Elium is a virtual place where content is shared, with different degrees of access and visibility determined by the administrator. It can be used to group together content of similar themes and is the main location for sharing knowledge and information within the platform.</p>","sources": [{"slug": 26043,"version": {"title": "How to structure your Elium platform?"}},{"asset": {"slug": "138994","__typename": "FileAsset","filename": "product documentation export.pdf"}}]}}}}}