How to post a story
For this, because the input is quite large, it is easier to do it in two parts: the query containing the mutation and the variables.
graphqlmutation storyPostExample($input: StoryPostInput!) {storyPost(input: $input) {story {idversion {title}}}}
variables{"input": {"publish": true,"spaceId": "SPACE_ID","title": "My awesome content!","body": {"format": "HTML","markup": "<h1>Hello World</h1><p>Lorem Ipsum...</p>"}}}
Here spaceId
represents a GraphQL id of a Space.
If you only have its slug, you can find the graphql ID the same way you get a story in the "How to get a Story" by changing story
in the query by space
Setting spaceId
to null will post the story in the user's Personal Content ✨
Expected return:
response{"data": {"story": {"id": "TWU6MTIz","title": "My awesome content!"}}}