How to post a story with a file
In order to add a file to a story you will first need to upload the file and get a token that you will have to reference to the story.
Get a file token
You first need to upload the file and get a token.
To get an upload token for a file, you must post it to the following endpoint:
curl \--data-raw @./version1.pdf \-H 'Authorization: Bearer kp-oauth2-AXLmAPDkbuEGt7oWaza60N5cFw9i' \-H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \-H 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=version1.pdf' \
It gives a JSON response with the token identifying that file:
response{"file": {"token": ".eJw...xMWA"//...},"success": true}
Create a story referencing the received token
In the variables, you need to reference the file token in the variables in addition of a uuid (version 1) that you would have generated on your side.
graphqlmutation storyPostExample($input: StoryPostInput!) {storyPost(input: $input) {story {slugversion {titlemainAsset {__typename... on FileAsset {downloadUrlembedmimetypefilesize}}}}}}
variables{"input": {"assets": [{"type": "FILE","file": ".eJw...xMWA","uuid": "GENERATED_UUID"}],"publish": true,"spaceId": "SPACE_ID","mainAsset": "GENERATED_UUID","title": "My story with a file as main asset"}}
Expected return:
response{"data": {"storyPost": {"story": {"slug": 278,"version": {"mainAsset": {"__typename": "FileAsset","downloadUrl": "","embed": {"cover_url": "","digest": "9bfd53912a4364ad1ff99e45a70860eda0f64ae13f04d568d24e0d45f67b0c6a","filename": "untitled","filesize": 1191622,"image_url": "","mimetype": "application/pdf","thumbnail_fallback_url": "","thumbnail_url": "","url": ""},"mimetype": "application/pdf","filesize": 1192},"title": "My story with a file as main asset"}}}}}